BerandaKabar KongresBeritaThe Announcement of the Selected Volunteers for International Conference KUPI II

The Announcement of the Selected Volunteers for International Conference KUPI II

The Announcement of the Selected Volunteers for International Conference of the 2nd Congress of Indonesia Women Ulama (KUPI-2)

The Congress of Indonesia Women Ulama (KUPI) is pleased to announce the selected Volunteers for the International Conference of the 2nd Congress of Indonesia Women Ulama (KUPI-2) that will be held on 23rd November 2022 in UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia.

On behalf of the organizer, we would like to express our deep appreciation to all enthusiastic applicants to this occasion. The organizer has given the best evaluation of each applicant.

Please kindly check the selected volunteers list here

The committee have been sent a notification to each selected applicant via email and will invite them to the WAG. If you’re selected but not received the notification yet or if you have any inquiries, please contact Fina 081329297539 (Whatsapp only) or Usfi 081252582262
We will conduct a series of Techincal Meeting. 1st Technical Meeting will be held Online on Thursday, November 10th 2022 at 19.30 PM-till drop. 2nd Technical Meeting will be announced later.

Thank you and Hope to see you soon!

Pilih Bahasa

Tentang Kongres KUPI 2



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