The Announcement of the International Conference of the 2nd Congress of Indonesia Women Ulama (KUPI-2) Participants
The Congress of Indonesia Women Ulama (KUPI) is pleased to announce the selected participants for the International Conference of the 2nd Congress of Indonesia Women Ulama (KUPI-2) that will be held on 23rd November 2022 in UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia.
On behalf of the organizer, we would like to express our deep appreciation to all enthusiastic applicants to this conference, especially for participants who are willing to come by their own expenses to the conference. The organizer has given the best evaluation of each application, which we hope to accommodate diversities of participants coming from different countries, provinces, women’s groups , youth and variety of faith communities.
Please confirm with the organizing committee your attendance with specific status of sponsorship that we decided by completing this form until Monday, 7th November 2022 at 23.59 WIB
The participants who aren’t filling the following form will be considered as CANCEL to attend the conference
Should you need to ask more additional information you may contact Neny Adamuka only Via WhatApps +6281285981665
Warmest regards,
The Committee
Sangat berkerinduan bisa ikut kongres untuk memperkuat atau memperluas pengetahuan demi peningkatan kafasitas Pengetahuan perempuan untuk kerja2 dala memperjuangkan hakperempuan perdamaian ..untuk kepentingan perempuan dan anak maupun masyarakat..