BerandaInternational CongressAbout International Conference

About International Conference

The international conference is integratedly part of the 2nd KUPI, which focus on providing an exchange learnings among women ulama around the world to update positive development and new challenges face by muslim women movement in different continent to advocating women’s rights from the perspective of Islam.

KUPI has been contributing significantly to the shifting of paradigm among male and female ulama, policymakers, activists, and academia in introducing women-friendly methodology of reading Islamic texts based on women’s experiences and knowledge. Two regulations on increasing marriage age and the new law on sexual violence crime, marked perfectly as good example of how women ulama of KUPI involved closely in the parliament to argue about Islamic perspective in protecting women’s rights.

The conference offers three plenary sessions that would help to reshape the future of muslim by recognizing the positive development in muslim societies related to women’s rights and identifying the new threat as a stumbling block for the improvement of women’s rights. On the other hand, we are also interested to inviting international participants to join in the discussion of KUPI’s methodology. You are encouraged to join three panels below:

A. The Future of Muslims: Positive Development of Gender Equality
B. Muslim Women movemnet Around the World: Achievement and Gaps
C. Introduction of KUPI’s Methodology

To engage international participants and to understand the updates on the current issues related to women’s rights in muslim societies, we encourage you to join with parralel sessions that will explore issues of:

A. Family law reform in the muslim world: good practice
B. Women, Peace and Security in Muslim World
C. Defending Women’s Rights under Fragile Democracy : Challenges
D. Greening of Muslims: Climate Justice and Sustainable Development
E. Men Involvement in Faith Communities: Good Practice, Implication and Backlash
F. Women’s Roles in Variety of Faith Traditions: A Transformation from Within

As the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN Indonesia) and ISlamic State University (UIN) Walisongo will be the host of the international conference, you may contact us here to get more detail information about how you will engange as participants, observer or donor agency.

If you are interested to join, please fill up the registration here

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Tentang Kongres KUPI 2



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